
February 2021
The difference between pancetta and bacon
When used correctly, pancetta, guanciale and bacon can add a rich variety of flavor to many dishes and are magic if you can find the highest quality. Because of their similar qualities, they are often confused with one another and used interchangeably. Below are some of the basic differences that exist between these delicious cured...
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Top 10 Red Wines Under $20
Drinking red wines are an essential part of everyday life and a form of sustenance for many European countries. Did you know that nearly all red wines are made from a single species of grapes? Hailing from Eastern Europe, almost all (approximately 90%) cultivated grapes in the world are Vitis Vinifera. Common reds like Cabernet...
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The history of champagne and Dom Perignon
Champagne History The history of Champagne is a fascinating one to learn about. The famous Benedictine monk Dom Perignon (1638-1715) is often credited with discovering how to create it, but he was not actually the first at all. He is responsible  for perfecting the technique of making Champagne and even controlling the secondary fermentation process...
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